Postpartum Anxiety


What You Need to Know About Postpartum Anxiety

It’s natural to worry after the birth of your little one. You wonder, Are they eating well? Sleeping enough? Hitting all their precious milestones? And what about germs? Will I ever sleep again? How did so much laundry pile up?

Perfectly normal — not mention, a sign of your already-deep love for your newest addition.

But sometimes it’s something more. If your anxiety seems out of control, has you on edge most of the time, or keeps you up at night, you may have more than the new-parent jitters.

You’ve probably heard of postpartum depression (PPD). It’s gotten a lot of press, and trust us, that’s a good thing — because postpartum depression is very real and worthy of the attention. But are you aware of its lesser-known cousin, postpartum anxiety disorder?


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