Dialectical Behavior Therapy
PVD Psychological Associates does not currently offer Comprehensive DBT. Comprehensive DBT includes individual therapy with 24/7 outside-of-therapy skills coaching availability, DBT group, and a consultation team for DBT therapists. If someone is seeking this type of therapy or requires it, we will refer them to a DBT provider or program that can offer these services.
We offer the following DBT services:
Individual, DBT-Informed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) — This therapy follows a traditional CBT framework with a focus on identifying the interaction between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and also integrates specific skills and strategies from DBT for clients who would benefit from this. Individual, DBT-Informed Therapy is ideally attended twice weekly. In many instances, the DBT skills are taught in session, but in some cases, clients will also attend a DBT group.
Individual Skills Training — One-on-one skills training sessions are offered only as an adjunct to individual therapy. This service would benefit clients who would like to have specific time dedicated to skills training alone. Please note that Skills Training is a separate service from therapy and is not covered by insurance.
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