Postpartum OCD

What Is Postpartum OCD? After giving birth, you must adjust to an entirely new life and cope with a lot of related stress. Pregnancy and the postpartum period can be a trigger for OCD. The most common thoughts that trouble women with postpartum OCD are: Concerns about dirt and germs Making sure not to make a mistake The urge to check and recheck that the baby monitor is working Ensuring bottles are properly sterilized. These thoughts are intrusive and make caring for your child very difficult. You don’t have the intention to harm your child, but you’re very much afraid that you will do so accidentally. The two most prominent symptoms of postpartum OCD are fear of injuring your baby and concern about germs. These concerns can be typical, temporary fears that stem from hormonal changes or from having your first child . Once these thoughts start to interfere with your everyday functioning, they can be a sign of postpartum OCD.