Therapy for LGBTQ
Early intervention doubled up with comprehensive treatment are the starters to a better and healthier life. It is known and understood that the stigma that prevails in society still holds behind people who are a part of the LGBTQ community, hence online platforms with affirmative therapists have become an essential in every country. Fortunately, times are changing to understand the implications of living with a mental health condition and measures are being taken to rectify the damage done. Government initiatives that legalise the existence of the gay community, helping them organize and arrange cruelty free pride parades are an inclusive step, where people from the LGBT community find a safe space to share their associations and voice the injustice done to them.
Gay affirmative therapists are breaking barriers that once held the community behind to struggle alone in silence. Online therapy and anonymous therapists in India are providing safe spaces for individuals to come share their lives and work on healing themselves to a better tomorrow.
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