Mood Disorders Psychotherapy

The therapists at PVD Psychological Associates specialize in working with individuals with depression and bipolar disorders and implement research-supported, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for specific mood disorders disorders they may be struggling with. We see children, adolescents, college students, and adults with various forms of mood disorders. 

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder is characterized by having episodes of depression or low mood as well as manic episodes that involve an improvement in mood and/or irritability. Manic episodes are also characterized by an increase in energy, self-esteem, racing thoughts, a decrease in sleep, and impulsive behaviors. In addition, during mania, individuals may experience dramatically improved mood or elation which can be pleasant and contribute to productivity. The short-term positive outcomes (i.e. being more productive, feeling more creative, being more social, etc.) of a manic episode as well as frequent lack of insight into what is happening contribute to problems with medication compliance. In therapy, individuals with bipolar disorder will focus on increasing motivation to achieve mood stability, understanding and managing behavioral triggers to changes in mood, and improving medication compliance.

Depression/Major Depressive Disorder

Depression is characterized by low mood more days than not for two weeks or more. When someone is depressed they may also experience loss of interest in things they once found enjoyable, a decrease in self-esteem, unjustified feelings of guilt, changes in sleep and/or appetite, and sometimes thoughts of self-harm and suicide. CBT for depression will focus on working to change thought patterns that are perpetuating low mood and hopelessness and making behavioral changes to improve energy and increase opportunities for pleasant experiences as well as changes to increase connection with others.


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