
Showing posts from September, 2020

Stress Therapy in Providence RI

  Coronavirus (Covid-19) is impacting all our lives. Stress is the body’s response to physical or emotional demands. Emotional stress can play a role in causing depression or be a symptom of it. A stressful situation can trigger feelings of depression, and these feelings can make it more difficult to deal with stress.

Anger Management Psychotherapy

  HOW ANGER MANAGEMENT WORKS Anger management therapy provides a clear set of recovery guidelines. It gives the person in treatment a controlled platform for the release of their emotions. At the same time, it aims to achieve constructive responses, rather than destructive ones. People in therapy are encouraged to examine what triggers their anger. They try to become aware of their emotions at each level of arousal. People learn how to use those signs as a map to control their anger.  In therapy, people gain insight into how their body responds to past and future events. They do this by identifying the emotional reaction to a certain circumstance. Therapists also help people notice anger responses that may be defense mechanisms for other concerns. These concerns might be depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues . Anger management therapy often helps people with anger issues. It may also help the people who make up their social network. Uncontrollable ...

Major Depressive Disorder

  Depression/Major Depressive Disorder Depression is characterized by low mood more days than not for two weeks or more. When someone is depressed they may also experience loss of interest in things they once found enjoyable, a decrease in self-esteem, unjustified feelings of guilt, changes in sleep and/or appetite, and sometimes thoughts of self-harm and suicide. CBT for depression will focus on working to change thought patterns that are perpetuating low mood and hopelessness and making behavioral changes to improve energy and increase opportunities for pleasant experiences as well as changes to increase connection with others.

LGBTQIA+ Family Planning

  We also work with LGBTQIA+ families on family planning to help them navigate fertility treatments and/or the adoption process. There are many different ways to start a family as a LGBTQIA+ couple, whether it be through intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), using a donor egg, reciprocal IVF, fostering and adoption, or surrogacy. The therapists at PVD Psychological Associates are aware of all of these permutations, what they “look like,” and the unique challenges families may face while trying to get pregnant, undergoing prenatal care, and then early parenthood including postpartum anxiety or depression for mothers who were pregnant and those who were not, and also postpartum anxiety or depression for new fathers. We are also familiar with the adoption process for same sex couples in Rhode Island and can help guide clients through that experience. ​

Binge Eating Disorder

  ​Individuals with Binge Eating Disorder engage in recurrent episodes of binge eating, often secretly and often at night, without engaging in any compensatory behaviors. CBT, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and mindfulness have all been shown to successfully treat Binge Eating Disorder.

Online Anxiety Therapy

  Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is defined by pervasive, difficult to control worry about a number of areas in one’s life. Those struggling with GAD often describe worry about the personal safety and health of themselves and their loved ones, often jumping to the worst case scenario if they cannot reach someone, for example. They also may worry about finances or school/work performance. This worry is often accompanied by symptoms of physical stress such as frequent headaches and muscle tension. CBT will focus on addressing these specific worries, helping individuals learn strategies to manage them, and also teaching relaxation strategies.

College Student Mental Health

  College students most frequently come to therapy to work through the adjustment to college, homesickness, navigating roommate conflict, identity development, impression management, imposter syndrome, time management, stress management, perfectionism, eating disorders, substance use, and relationship difficulties.

Therapy Service Near Me

  Mission & Values Everything we do is designed to give you the best therapy experience. Our mission is to provide exceptional therapy that is personalized and results driven. We offer cutting edge, evidence-based treatment by a team of highly trained therapists to address anxiety, eating disorders, college and graduate student mental health, trauma, relationship difficulties, and many other concerns. PVD Psych is a LGBTQIA Affirming practice, and is one of few Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island LGBTQ Safe Zone certified providers. We offer LGBTQIA Affirming therapy and Gender Affirming Therapy. We strongly believe that everyone has the right to safe, respectful, and affirming, high quality care.“

Relationship Counseling

  Individual Therapy We also frequently work with individuals who may be struggling with a temporary relationship problem such as a break up or divorce or with recurrent relationship difficulties like problems communicating clearly with others, fears of intimacy, difficulty being authentic in relationships, and loneliness. The therapists at PVD Psychological Associates draw from psychodynamic therapy , CBT, and DBT to help individuals understand beliefs and behaviors that are perpetuating these difficulties and learn new ways to relate to others that may be more helpful. Domestic Violence If you are being abused or think you are in danger of being abused, a domestic violence hotline is a way to quickly reach someone who will be able to help. Resources ​ Sojourner House Domestic Violence Hotline:  401-765-3232  National Domestic Violence Hotline:  800-799-7233 LGBTQ Domestic Violence Support Group at  Sojourner House .

Pregnancy and Postpartum Issues

  Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders The therapists at PVD Psychological Associates specialize in working with women throughout their pregnancy and postpartum. We will assess for important shifts that may indicate postpartum depression and/or anxiety or, in the case of traumatic labor experiences, postpartum post-traumatic stress disorder. Together we can work on behavioral strategies to manage individuals’ mood, anxiety, disruptions in sleep, breastfeeding concerns, prioritizing self-care, and combatting isolation and loneliness that may come with being a new parent.

Bipolar Disorder

  Bipolar Disorder is characterized by having episodes of depression or low mood as well as manic episodes that involve an improvement in mood and/or irritability. Manic episodes are also characterized by an increase in energy, self-esteem, racing thoughts, a decrease in sleep, and impulsive behaviors. In addition, during mania, individuals may experience dramatically improved mood or elation which can be pleasant and contribute to productivity. The short-term positive outcomes (i.e. being more productive, feeling more creative, being more social, etc.) of a manic episode as well as frequent lack of insight into what is happening contribute to problems with medication compliance. In therapy, individuals with bipolar disorder will focus on increasing motivation to achieve mood stability, understanding and managing behavioral triggers to changes in mood, and improving medication compliance.

LGBT Psychotherapy

  Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Coming Out, Etc. We frequently work with college students, adolescents, and adults on exploring their sexual orientation, exploring their gender identity, coming out, and transitioning. Depending on where individuals are in these processes and their needs and wants for therapy , we may do this in a more structured way, offering specific behavioral recommendations, or in a more supportive and exploratory manner.

Anorexia Nervosa

  ​Fear of weight gain, restrictive eating, and low body weight that accompanies a diagnosis of Anorexia Nervosa are all addressed with CBT for eating disorders. By collaborating with other medical professionals, therapists at PVD Psychological Associates will help individuals struggling with Anorexia to modify harmful thought patterns and make specific behavioral changes.

Therapy for Students

  Children and Adolescents Our work with children and adolescents most frequently addresses difficulties with parents and peers, time management, navigating conflict with parents, balancing multiple extracurricular activities, eating disorders, managing social anxiety, stress management, perfectionism, and worries about college applications.

Anxiety Psychotherapy

  Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors Skin picking and hair pulling are two of the most common body focused repetitive behaviors we see in therapy. Another example of a body focused repetitive behavior that is nail biting. Body focused repetitive behaviors result in a sense of release of tension. CBT is used to treat these behaviors by helping individuals understand their triggers and then engage in different behaviors instead, often ones that are more healthy or adaptive.

Substance Use Problems

  There are a variety of reasons that individuals may seek therapy for issues related to substance use. Whether they are confronting that they have a substance use disorder , an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, or problems in their relationships because of their substance use, clinicians at PVD Psychological Associates provide therapy that will help them explore these difficulties in a nonjudgmental way, achieve a better understanding of the function of the behaviors, and come up with alternative strategies to cope. Therapy for substance use disorders will usually focus on abstinence, but we meet our clients where they are and their identified goals, and may focus instead on moderation. Clinicians at PVD Psychological Associates are well versed in working with these problems using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) strategies, motivational interviewing (MI), and dynamic therapy. We are also familiar with local resources such as AA, NA, and S...

Relationship Difficulties

  Couples Therapy Couples frequently seek treatment at PVD Psychological Associates to work on improving communication, conflict resolution, financial difficulties, and sexual issues. Depending on their goals for therapy, treatment will be more exploratory in nature and focused on understanding root causes of difficulties or will be more directive and draw from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).

Mood Disorders

  The therapists at PVD Psychological Associates specialize in working with individuals with depression and bipolar disorders and implement research-supported, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for specific mood disorders they may be struggling with. We see children, adolescents, college students, and adults with various forms of mood disorders.

LGBTQIA+ Identified Individuals and Families

The therapists at PVD Psychological Associates have expertise working with LGBTQIA+ identified individuals and their families. We may work with these individuals on issues non-specific to their sexual orientation or gender identity, such as an eating disorder or relationship problems, or therapy might focus on very specific issues such as exploring one’s gender identity or coming out. Whether the topic of therapy is specific to an LGBTQIA+ identified individual or not, many of our clients have told us they find it to be important and helpful that their therapist is knowledgeable about the LGBTQIA+ community and is affirming in their approach.  

Infertility and Reproductive Health

  At PVD Psychological Associates we are well versed in issues related to women’s reproductive health challenges . Whether individuals may be struggling with infertility concerns, undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF), or have experienced pregnancy loss, we provide therapy that is supportive in nature and incorporates strategies from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to modify unhelpful thinking patterns and help individuals learn coping skills to manage these stressors. There are many different ways to conceive, whether it be through intrauterine insemination (IUI), IVF, IVF using a donor egg, reciprocal IVF, or surrogacy. The clinicians at PVD Psychological Associates are aware of all of these permutations, what they “look like,” and the unique challenges families may face while trying to get pregnant.

Eating Disorders and Body Image Concerns

  The therapists at PVD Psychological Associates specialize in working with individuals with eating disorders and body image concerns . We implement research-supported, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). We see children, adolescents, college students, and adults with eating disorders.

Talk Therapy

  Many studies have found that  Talk Therapy, or Psychotherapy , can help treat depression. Talk therapy can help you learn about your depression and help you find ways to manage your symptoms. If you have mild to moderate depression, talk therapy might be all you need to feel better. But if you have more severe depression, you might benefit from medication in addition to talk therapy. Here are some tips for getting started.