In most cases, if we have higher levels of self-esteem, we tend to like ourselves more. This helps us to maintain good mental health. On the other hand, lower levels of self-esteem are associated with mental health challenges such as depression. People with low self-esteem often have a poorer quality of life. For example, if we have lower self-esteem, we are more likely to think that we are not clever enough to get that job, or that we are deserving of poor treatment because we are not worthy of love. If you struggle with low self-esteem and notice that it affects your life negatively, seek help. Therapists can help you learn to reassess how you think and feel about yourself. What is self-esteem? Self-esteem relates to how positively we feel about ourselves and our worth. We tend to base this assessment of ourselves on qualities and characteristics such as: Our physical self-image Our view of our achievements and abilities Our values and how well we think we liv...