Marriage Counseling in Providence RI

How to Tell if Your Partner Resents You, and What to Do — Nicole Issa, PsyD Resentment in a relationship can destroy positive feelings, respect, and warmth your partner otherwise felt toward you. Instead of being your cheerleader and biggest fan, they may start to hold you back from opportunities or activities you enjoy. Once a relationship turns competitive, it is in dark territory. Since resentment can be so detrimental to relationships, it is essential to develop an awareness of whether you are starting to feel resentful of your partner or detect if they are starting to feel resentment toward you. Often, resentment can creep up on people in an insidious way and quietly build until there’s an explosion, of sorts, and that is why it is so important to catch it early. Some early signs your partner resents you: They have the same or similar complaints repeatedly. If your partner notes that you are always staying late at work and they feel lonely, but nothing changes, resentme...